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Increase Milk Supply



I usually get asked questions about whether to drink more water or add in a “milk making tea” to increase supply. Hydration is important but it’s not going to surge your milk supply. Taking herbal supplements won’t either.⠀

✳️ Full breasts that don’t have milk removed frequently make milk slower and it’s a signal to the body over time to decrease production. On the flip side, more frequent (effective) milk removal will signal to the body to increase supply. That means ensuring baby is effectively transferring milk and if they are not, getting other means of milk removal (pumping/hand expression) while we help figure out the cause of the baby’s difficulties. ⠀

❗️Stress is a huge factor. Having a new baby is stressful. Having a baby who you are worried isn’t getting enough milk is incredibly stressful. Stress isn’t out friend when it’s sustained. Seek help and support for feeding issues!⠀

❇️ Breast massage is a bit of a misnomer because we aren’t being super gentle and relaxing. But it’s so effective! Slowly massage the breasts before or during feedings/pumping sessions to increase the breast stimulation. ⠀

If you’re really struggling and aren’t sure what to do, reach out for support! You don’t have to do this alone and you shouldn’t suffer in silence.