
We encourge sponsorships of our podcasts to help our listeners find really great resources!

To sponsor a podcast, please submit your ad media using our submission form.

Click HERE to Submit!


Advertising and Pricing Options:

Dedicated Episode
We work directly with you to create an episode with you as the guest that is tailored to your business and serves our market.  For example- A kitchen accessory company could sponsor an episode all about creating meals for postpartum families. This is by invitation only. If you'd like to take advantage of this opportunity, select this option and we will review your application and contact you. 

Spotlight Opportunities
Sponsor the entire episode and get ALL of the Al la Carte options:
Read at beginning of episode -$200
Our host will read your ad copy at the start of the episode. 
Read at end of episode $200
Our host will read your ad copy at the end of the episode. (If you are doing the Whole Shebang option, we will read two sets of copy for you.) 
Live link on our website $200
A link and ad image of your choosing will be displayed permanently on our website with the podcast episode that it airs with.
Social Media Links $200
We post on these platforms:
Facebook- In our user group
Instagram- Use your preferred hashtag, your link in the comments
Pinterest- Your link in the description of the pin
Tik-Tok- *coming soon  
YouTube- Direct link in description and card.
Highlight in Newsletter $200
We'll highlight you in an article in 2 of our email blasts within 2 months of the publication of your sponsored episode.  Email list size is 20,000.
If your product/service is a direct fit for the episode for our market, you will receive a 50% discount on ad fees.