New and experienced parents soon discover a secondary benefit of working with a birth doula, Newborn Care Specialist, or postpartum doula. These individuals have access to a vast network of resources which prove useful to parents beyond the birth and newborn stages of their children. Maybe it is a recipe that is shared or a recommendation for baby wearing brands. Often, it is referral to another provider for expertise in massage, lactation, weaning, and other important stages in a parent’s journey. As a postpartum doula myself, I am often asked to stay with the family and be hired on as their nanny. While I relish this invitation because it proves they consider me safe and trustworthy, I politely decline because that is an entirely different category of commitment and care. Once I began working with the Dept of State authorized program, it was such a relief to be able to offer this unique and affordable form of childcare. Hosting an international au pair for live-in childcare with cultural exchange is very popular in the Denver metro area including Boulder County. Parents are appreciative to hear about this appealing option.
Whether you are a parent or a colleague, please reach out for details: