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You have a say in how your postpartum unfolds.




You have a say in how your postpartum unfolds. It begins with REALISTIC expectations ✨⁠

One of the most important conversations we have with families is around postnatal mental health.⁠

Our goal is to normalize some of what to expect - for example days 7-10 are typically the most challenging for your body and mind.⁠

We also want you to know there are ways to PREVENT extra discomfort in this sacred life space (e.g. rest, warm foods/warm body, support systems, etc.); and to TREAT hormonal shifts holistically (e.g. rest, warm foods/warm body, support systems, etc. 😉 as well as the right herbs)!⁠

If we can tend to this transition as a monumental milestone setting the trajectory for the rest of your motherhood journey (and life), we know it changes lives. And we see it again and again and again!⁠

You have a say in how your postpartum unfolds, loves. It begins with REALISTIC expectations ✨⁠

So, what expectations do you have for your postpartum journey? Do you need help setting healthy boundaries? Coming up with a game plan? Do you need someone to talk it through with you?⁠