Our “modern” society doesn’t allow for us to rest. Isn’t it absurd that we literally have to plan restoration and rejuvenation practices? AAAAND some of us even feel guilty going to get a massage, facial, or taking a five hour nap instead of pushing through our tiredness to achieve some insignificant goal. Monthly massages, chiropractic care, acupuncture, maid and chef services, just to name a few, should be apart of the routine and not seen as something for the rich!
Our kidneys and adrenal glands need adequate sleep to be replenished and restored. Today I want you to trade in caffeine for power naps. Let go completely rather than trying to power through a wall of fatigue. Even if you don’t fall asleep you’re still giving your body and mind a break. Our minds need non-judgmental time to wander aimlessly to process our experiences. Take more moments to pause worrying, planning, try to figure things out etc.