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Transfers are not "failed homebirths"



I always try to normalize talking about transfers because every story deserves to be acknowledged. It opens up important conversations with clients and colleagues about how important integration and collaboration is with our work, as it’s statistically impossible for every family to achieve out of hospital birth. It also helps clients feel “seen” when they need to transfer.

Midwifery care isn't about birthing outside of
the hospital at a cost - it's about watchful balance
and safe space keeping.

Statistically speaking, transfer won't happen most the time. However, when it's your birth, it's 100% your story.

I've seen midwives take their transfer rate personally as if it were a badge of something to be ashamed of, but I believe that midwives who feel confident in transferring clients when they need a different kind of care usually have great professional relationships, high levels of client satisfaction and safety.

Transfers are one way we keep midwifery safe and our language about them matters.