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Signs labor is near




Did you know babies themselves may trigger labor when they are ready to live outside the womb? Pretty cool. ⁠

Signs Labor is Near:⁠

🤍 Nesting: mom feels the urgency to organize and get everything "ready" for her baby⁠

🤍 Increased Vaginal Discharge as the time gets closer. This can indicate cervical change.⁠

🤍 Feeling Blah. In the couple of days leading up to labor, mom may experience inactive labor where she feels like she wants to rest.⁠

🤍 Lightening. This is when baby "drops" and moves further into the pelvis preparing for birth. ⁠

☀️Save and follow for more pregnancy, labor, and postpartum tips 🤍⁠

Visit for more signs: https://mamadidit.com/signs-your-labor-is-coming-soon/⁠