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Seeing A Chiropractor While Pregnant - FAQ

Dr. Kristina Kill - Family First Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Salt Lake


Should I see a chiropractor when I’m pregnant and if so, when?

Short answer, yes and now….and let me explain why.

When you’re pregnant you put additional stress on your body (good stress, great reason but still harder on you) your biomechanics have changed, you’re asking more of your natural resources just to get through each day while you grow another person.  

Women under chiropractic care during pregnancy enjoy better pregnancies with less pregnancy related complaints ie: round ligament pain, low back pain, pubic bone  pain, sciatica, leg issues, heart burn, overall fatigue, soreness and other common issues.  And research shows that being under regular chiropractic care reduces labor times, up to a 30-50% reduction in overall labor time!

And the earlier into your pregnancy the better; don’t wait until there are issues or complaints to start care, you’re already running behind if that happens.  Instead, be proactive and start chiropractic care as early as possible to enjoy the benefits of improved health, function, brain communication, and the ability to navigate pregnancy with ease while preparing your body for labor and delivery.  Having a healthy pregnancy is your priority, working with chiropractors who specialize in pregnancy care increases the chances of that, as well as your baby being in the optimal position prior to delivery and improving (shortening) your labor times and reducing complications.

Can I go to any chiropractor when I am pregnant?

You can, every chiropractor has taken at least one class on obstetrics while in school, but seeing a chiropractor who specializes in pregnancy is a game changer.  We take additional training beyond school, the minimum training I recommend is finding a Webster Certified Chiropractor through the ICPA. (www.icpa4kids.org) Pregnancy focused chiropractors will also have specialized tables or equipment to accommodate your changing body and growing belly.  A great rule of thumb is do you see other pregnant women there, are there kids and babies there…if so, you found a great place!

Should I continue care after I deliver?

Absolutely! Chiropractic care improves how your body functions, so everything works better.  You’ll heal faster and more completely from pregnancy and labor; you’ll be better able to handle the daily stress and requirements of being a new mom. Your sleep (limited as it is) will improve, and your ability to deal with stress will be enhanced. We recommend coming on a regular basis to help feel your best, function at your best and improve your ability to navigate this unique and special time of your life.

Should I have my baby evaluated by a chiropractor?

When your midwife or pediatrician checks your baby after birth they assess for overall health and look for any major issues or concerns.  A pediatric chiropractor will assess the function of your baby’s brain, spine and nerves to make sure your baby is functioning properly and able to grow, develop and thrive.  If your baby is struggling with eating, sleeping or pooping these are cardinal signs of loss of normal function and communication within the nervous system. Chiropractors are the only ones who assess for function of the nervous system, not your pediatrician, so a collaborative approach is best to maximize the potential and health of your newborn baby.  The pressure we use to assess and correct any issue is like squeezing a ripe tomato: gentle, specific and profound for unlocking the healing potential within the body. 

Dr. Kristina Kill (formally Stitcher) is the clinic director at Family First Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Salt Lake; her clinic has focused on, and specialized in pregnancy and pediatric care for over 20 years.  Dr. Kristina teaches throughout the country on pregnancy and pediatric care and the importance of natural, empowering birth practices.  Family First Chiropractic & Wellness Center is located in Holladay with three providers: Dr. Lawrence Hauptly, CACCP and Webster Certified; Dr. Allysa Rimkus, Webster Certified and Dr. Kristina Kill, FICPA and Webster Certified.