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Prenatal Yoga & Dance 5 week online series


Come stretch, relax and rejuvenate. Perfect for all stages of pregnancy. Learn simple movements to prepare for your labor. You will also learn special moves that you can use during your labor to relieve discomfort and help ease your baby into the world. Dance is also a wonderful way to bond with your baby.

We practice dance techniques from Brain Dance, Ballet, Egypt, Greece, Persia, Hula

What we cover:
• Birth specific yoga postures and movement for strength, tone, balance and agility.
• How to enhance your comfort in pregnancy and prepare your body and mind for birth.
• Different breathing and relaxation techniques
and when to use them.
• Techniques for easing your baby into the world.
• How to connect with your baby through dance.

Research shows that music and dance can greatly relax the body and mind. A relaxed birth is safer, easier and faster. Register for the next online 5 week series.

This 5 week series is ongoing throughout the year. Classes are offered on Wednesdays at 4pm (Hawaiian Standard Time) or Saturdays at 11am (HST). Choose from the following start dates:

• Wednesdays @ 4pm (HST):
1/8, 2/26, 4/2, 5/21, 7/2, 8/13, 9/25

• Saturdays @ 11am (HST):
1/11, 3/1,4/5, 5/24, 7/5, 8/16, 9/28
