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Is it really possible to experience pain free labor?



Ever met someone who told you that labor didn’t hurt? 🤔 This wasn’t my experience - but I have met these people (and cared for them as patients). And honestly? I used to wonder how that was possible - or if they were lying.

Can I tell you something? It is possible. The pain we feel in labor is rooted in the physical body AND our mind’s interpretation of what is going on. The mind-body connection, in all things, is real.

It’s kind of wild, but it is clinically proven that control over the mind can decrease labor pain (and totally eliminate it for some!). This idea is rooted in something called Central Nervous System Control (CNSC). 🧠 Scientists believe that control over your mind and what you are thinking can directly impact the pain you do or don’t feel.

Examples of things that can increase your CNSC capabilities include:
• Birth education classes
• Hynobirthing/hypnobabies
• Deep breathing
• Relaxation practices
• Aromatherapy
• Continuous labor support (like a doula)
• Music

Often, these types of pain control methods are used in conjunction with other things/each other - it IS rare for one method on its own to offer total pain control. But overall, these pain management methods really can VASTLY impact the ways you interpret what your body is doing - and for some? Labor really can be pain free.

Look at these overall outcomes for those who tried non-pharmacologic pain management methods like these:
- Fewer cesareans
- Fewer instrumental deliveries
- Less use of pitocin
- Less epidural use
- Shorter labors
- More satisfaction with labor
DOI: 10.1111/birt.12103

Pain-free birth seem impossible? I get that - and I personally felt plenty of pain in my labors too! But I can say these methods (I think) significantly decreased my pain and allowed me to manage it better than if I hadn’t know about them or how to use them. Remember, if you want to start learning about pain management via a good, comprehensive birth plan, comment #birthplan (with the hashtag) and I’ll send you mine.