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It is possible to wait too long to introduce a bottle



If you’re preparing to breastfeed, you may often hear to wait to introduce a bottle. Whether that’s until breastfeeding is going well or sometimes even to wait a certain number of weeks.

I am not against this recommendation! However, it can lead some breastfeeding mothers to think that bottle introduction can wait.

🍼 Early (and consistent!) bottle introduction is actually really important to prevent bottle refusal.

❓ So when is the best time to introduce the bottle?
If latching is going well, baby is transferring milk, and gaining weight you can comfortably introduce a bottle at any time. I recommend not waiting past 4 weeks to introduce a bottle.

(Sometimes bottle introduction needs to happen earlier due to latching issues or other circumstances. I highly recommend working with an LC in this case!)

⭐️ AND once you introduce the bottle, stay consistent and give your baby opportunities to continue practicing! Just because your baby takes a bottle well this week, doesn’t mean they will three weeks later if they haven’t had one since.