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Hormone Soup: The Secret Recipe to a Healthy Birth


During the birthing process, each woman and her baby come out of the journey with a different tale. While one woman reports feelings adjacent to a high complete with endless love and satisfaction, another may warn of epic lows characterized by depression and suffering.

While the two women have had drastically different experiences, they are connected by the catalyst of this phenomenon: Hormone Soup.

What is Hormone Soup?

Hormone Soup refers to the complex mix of hormones released during labor, birth, and the immediate postpartum period that play crucial roles in facilitating bonding between the mother and her baby.

When the following hormones work in harmony, the bonding process can be beautiful:

Oxytocin: Along with fostering feelings of love, trust, and bonding between a mother and her baby, oxytocin also promotes uterine contractions during labor and aids in reducing postpartum hemorrhage. Oxytocin is released in large amounts during the birthing process and can even facilitate milk let-down while you breastfeed.

Endorphins: A healthy release of endorphins will work as natural painkillers, allowing you to better manage pain and stress. When released in high levels, endorphins can lead to feelings of euphoria, contributing to a positive birth experience and enhanced maternal bonding.

Prolactin: This hormone is known colloquially as the "mothering hormone." Prolactin rises during pregnancy and peaks after birth, stimulating milk production in the breasts.

Adrenaline: High levels of adrenaline-related hormones produced during labor will not only help you cope with stress, but will also make your baby alert and ready to interact. Post-birth, a drop in these hormones will foster skin-to-skin contact by relaxing you and your baby.

A wholesome mix of Hormone Soup can promote immediate bonding, enhance maternal behaviors, support you in breastfeeding, reduce anxiety, and aid in your baby's well-being.

What can taint my Hormone Soup?

Medical interventions to the birthing process, such as cesarean sections, epidurals, and immediate separation between a mother and child after birth can hinder a woman's ability to release the aforementioned hormones naturally.

While these interventions are often necessary for a healthy birth, other disruptive factors may be in your control.

How can I set up my soup for success?

The community at Birth Circle believes wholeheartedly in building a birthing team committed to supporting you and your baby.

As you begin to cook your Hormone Soup, beware of the following ingredients:

Anxiety: Fear can overwhelm your ability to release hormones effectively. Express your emotions so that they don't consume you. Keep a birthing journal or join a support group to better process the feelings you have surrounding your birthing journey.

Discomfort: Some women find that they need to curate a specific environment tailored to their comfort in order to ready themselves and their baby for birth. Your coping techniques are valid and should be the top priority of all parties involved. Don't shy away from asking for what you need.

Ignorance: Be curious about your birthing journey and stay informed. Knowledge is power. Educating yourself will encourage you to be more vocal with a medical team about what you need to have a successful, stress-free birth.

Birth Circle is here to provide you with everything needed to experience a healthy and beautiful pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Watch one of our positive birth films to inspire you on your journey to curating Hormone Soup that benefits you and your newborn.