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Give the Baby Back




There's nothing wrong with wanting to/holding a loved one's newborn. But keep a few of these things in mind:⁠

🤍A new mom may anxiously be waiting to get her baby back, because she knows they need her, but not want to be "rude" by asking. ⁠

🤍Moms and babies are considered a "dyad" the first several months after birth. They are separate but still one. ⁠

🤍Anxiousness can grow in both mom and baby when separated for long. ⁠

🤍Babies feed more often then some people realize. They need nutrition every 2-3 hours from the time they START a feeding. This means they may actually be away from the breast less than an hour between feeds.⁠

🤍New babies and their mamas are learning together and it takes time together for them to figure it all out. ⁠

NICU considerations: Do kangaroo care when you are able. If you are unable to hold your baby, hold their finger. Speak to them, sing to them, read to them. The sound of mom's voice is very soothing to her baby. Pump if you can. Breast milk is considered medicine in the NICU!⁠

Bottom line is be mindful. Watch for the mom and baby's cues that they are ready to be together again. Don't wait for a new mom to ask for her baby back. Check in with her often and let her know you respect her needs. ⁠