Did you know that you need to look out for postpartum preeclampsia for up to six weeks post birth? 👀
Even if you have NO HISTORY of high blood pressure, you can be at risk. And, this is * especially * a risk for BIPOC mothers and birthing people.
Know the warning signs for yourself and for those you love.
They include:
• stomach pain
• feeling nauseous or vomiting
• swelling of hands and/or face
• severe headaches
• vision changes including seeing spots, and/or
• shortness of breath.
Too often those who have had babies do not want to be a burden on their loved ones, and don't share these issues. And also far too often, providers ignore the warning signs too.
Loves, up to 75% of maternal deaths in postpartum are linked to postpartum preeclampsia.
Pre-eclampsia develops rapidly, and the warning signs can be vague as you can see from the list above.
And, these warning signs are a red flag to CALL YOUR DOCTOR. If you aren't being taken seriously, you can also head straight to the ER.
The good news? Last week the FDA has now approved a test that will let you know if you have it, right away!
According to an article in the NYT:
Those who have symptoms suggesting pre-eclampsia but who test negative can be reassured and sent home, but they may need to have the test repeated every two weeks.
"A woman can go from feeling fine and being completely healthy and having normal kidney and liver function, and within 24 to 48 hours those organs can fail,” Dr. Thadhani said. “That is the scary part of the disease.”
Please note, none of this is shared to scare you but to EMPOWER you with the education necessary to thrive for years and years to come!
🫶 Pregnant & looking for ways to prevent this disharmony? Prenatal yoga reduces stress which may be a major factor in developing preeclampsia 🫶
Step into your power, beautiful humans.
Pregnancy is the time to speak up, get loud, and honor your intuition if you haven't done so yet!
Birthworkers, did you know about this news?!