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Breastmilk Storage Guide



Milk Storage For Breastfeeding/Pumping Mamas🍼🍼

When freshly pumped—
Milk can remain on the counter in a bottle for up to 4 hours from the time it is pumped until the time it is used!

Once placed in the refrigerator you must use milk within 4 days or freeze! Store your pumped milk on the shelves in the fridge not the door! This keeps it cooler, since the fridge door has a slightly higher temp.

You can keep freshly pumped milk in the freezer for up to six months and in a deep freezer for up to one year! Make sure to label the bags so you know when you pumped the milk + an estimate of how much!

When thawing freezer milk—
If thawing on the counter top (or in a bowl of warm water) use the milk within two hours. ***You can always refreeze if there are still visible ice crystals, but make sure you don’t refreeze already thawed milk!

When thawing milk in the fridge, use within 24 hours from the milk being thawed. This means from the moment the milk is thawed, not from the time you place the frozen bag in the fridge.

Happy pumping🫶🏼