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Birth & Spirituality


Birth and Spirituality

Every woman believes in something. It is important to call on those beliefs during labor. It is no secret that labor is one of the hardest things a mother can endure. While difficult, it is also a transformative period. It may sound phony, but what women endure in labor can transform them into the mothers they are meant to become. This is an amazing thing! Labor is what will get us through the hardships that accompany motherhood.

The same beliefs that got you to where you are, will get you through labor and delivery. Some believe in a Creator who has designed women’s bodies to be the ultimate instrument to deliver safe and healthy babies. What you believe will still lead you to the right decision to help you and your baby. If you don't ascribe to any religion or spirituality, trust in science. Amazing discoveries, modern medicine, traditional birth practices, and our spectacularly evolved bodies, all allow us to reach for a wonderful birth experience.

Labor is a puzzle, trust that the pieces all fit together. The cervix has kept our baby safely inside the belly until it’s time. Oxytocin is the hormone that surges when we feel safe or loved. It also starts contractions. Because we feel safe, our body knows we are ready to have our baby. Our Uterus naturally contracts to push the baby’s head against the cervix, this tells our body to make more Oxytocin. Oxytocin has natural pain-relieving properties, can give a euphoric feeling, and makes it so the Uterus continues contractions. The perineum stretches to make way for the baby’s head. As the baby is born, they instinctively look for food and are comforted by their parent's presence. This is an oversimplified explanation, but it is important to see how well these pieces fit together.

Sometimes things go wrong, and we must rely on our medical professionals for help. Science and progress have given us some beautiful gifts, like the opportunity to save more mothers and babies when things go wrong. We are so grateful for these life-saving interventions; utilizing them doesn’t mean our beliefs have failed us. Your body has not failed you, you were still made to do this, you just took an alternate route.