Candace McCollett

Owner, Doula & Educator at Westside Birth Connection

Locations Served

50 mile radius from Colorado Springs, co
Online and in person services


Doulas -Birth, Childbirth Education, Breastfeeding/Nursing/Bottle feeding, Postpartum Support, Newborn Care


BA Biology, CBE (Birth Connection), CLD (CAPPA), CLE (CAPPA), IBCLC student

Contact Information
Office: 719-213-3740
Price Range


I entered into the childbirth field for two main reasons. First, I want to empower women through the natural methods of childbirth. I remember the feelings of strength and control that I encountered when I had my three children at home in the presence of midwives. Now, I want to pass this on to other expectant mothers. With my first pregnancy, I was alone and thought about placing my baby with adoptive parents. Then one day, along comes the most incredible woman who ended up changing my life. She was a midwife who said that she would take me on as a client for the fee of $50 (for supplies). Little did I know that she had hoped that a home birth would convince me to keep my baby. Well, her plan was a success and she has given me a gift I have yet to repay. My second reason for getting into the birthing field was because I want to eradicate the general public’s misconceptions about pregnancy and the birthing process. A woman’s pregnant uterus should not be treated as a tumorous growth to be controlled by medicine, but rather a natural event that women have been participating for many years before doctors. In most cases, birth can be accomplished safely and satisfactorily without intervention, such as drugs and surgery. The need for patience must be practiced in the presence of a laboring woman. I believe that each labor and birth is a unique and miraculous experience that ushers a woman into her full power. I also believe that there is more than one good way to have a baby and that parents should have the proper tools available for effective informed consent and informed refusal.


Labor / Birth Doula


Includes attendance at your labor and birth. You also may choose up to six prenatal/postpartum visits for an additional $50 per visit on an as needed basis. If you sign up for both childbirth educatio

Childbirth Preparation Classes


This 8 week group class series includes multi-dimensional instruction, an electronic/downloadable student notebook and unlimited phone / email support.

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Phone Number
Office: 719-213-3740