Adriana Lozada


Locations Served

-1 mile radius from Rochester, ny


Childbirth Education



Contact Information
Office: (585) 454.9898

Adriana (she, her) is an advanced birth doula, a postpartum educator, and child sleep consultant. Adriana believes in, and advocates for, the transformational power of giving birth. She’s gifted at helping others on their perinatal journeys, and brings her deep knowledge, practical expertise, curiosity, and respect for inclusivity into all aspects of her work. Adriana is an unabashed advocate for improving the perinatal health system for all. As a bestselling author, speaker, and the creator and host of the acclaimed Birthful podcast, Venezuelan-born Adriana has interviewed hundreds of birth professionals and parents. Her ultimate goal is to support and uplift parents to have wonderful births and nourishing postpartum experiences, as they define them. She gives her listeners the tools to inform their intuition. As one listener put it, “Birthful is my weekly dose of I can do this.”

Upcoming Events


Birth Prep Online Class Series

Have an easier, flowing labor using a tried and true physiological approach!

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Phone Number
Office: (585) 454.9898